The First Islamic War & The Warrior Ali ibne abi Talib
Muhammad saw did not know that an army had left Mecca , was marching toward Medina to protect the caravan of the Quraysh , and to challenge the Muslims. When Muhammad arrived in the environs of Badr , he sent Ali as to reconnoiter the surrounding country. At the wells of Badr, Ali as as surprised some water-carriers. In reply to his questions, they told him that they were carrying water for an army which came from Makkah, and which was encamped on the other side of the nearby hills. Ali brought the water-carriers before Muhammad saw. From them he learned that the caravan of the Quraysh had already escaped, and that the Muslims , at that very moment, were confronted by the army of Mecca. On reaching the neighbourhood of Badr, Muhammad saw sent forward Ali as, with a few others, to reconnoiter the rising ground above the springs. There they surprised three water-carriers of the enemy, as they were about to fill their sheepskins. One escaped ...