
Showing posts from October, 2020

The First Islamic War & The Warrior Ali ibne abi Talib

  Muhammad saw did not know that an army had left   Mecca , was marching toward   Medina   to protect the caravan of the   Quraysh , and to challenge the Muslims. When Muhammad arrived in the environs of   Badr , he sent Ali as to reconnoiter the surrounding country. At the wells of Badr, Ali as as surprised some water-carriers. In reply to his questions, they told him that they were carrying water for an army which came from Makkah, and which was encamped on the other side of the nearby hills. Ali brought the water-carriers before Muhammad saw. From them he learned that the caravan of the Quraysh had already escaped, and that the  Muslims , at that very moment, were confronted by the army of Mecca. On reaching the neighbourhood of Badr, Muhammad saw sent forward Ali as, with a few others, to reconnoiter the rising ground above the springs. There they surprised three water-carriers of the enemy, as they were about to fill their sheepskins. One escaped ...

Top 5 Books on Earth

  #1 THE HOLY QURAN   The Qur'an is the holy book for Muslims, revealed in stages to the Prophet Muhammad over 23 years. Qur'anic revelations are regarded by Muslims as the sacred word of God, intended to correct any errors in previous holy books such as the Old and New Testaments. what makes it on the top is the the key inside this books such as it mentioned the Big bang theory it explains Gravity and explains correctly the Reproduction and many many more things you'll never expect ,  the shoking thing  is that it was revealed  1400 years  ago " Dont you think its Amazing?? #2 Nehjul Balagha ( The Peak of Eloquence) The  Nahj al-Balagha  ( Arabic :  نَهْج ٱلْبَلَاغَة ‎  Nahj al-Balāghah ; "The way of Eloquence") is the most famous collection of sermons, letters,  tafsirs  and narrations attributed to Imam  Ali , cousin and son-in-law of  Muhammad .  It was collected by  Ash-Sharif Ar-Radhi ,  a...

Top ten countries with world’s largest oil reserves, from Venezuela to Iraq

 we take a look at the countries around the world with the largest proven oil reserves, with countries such as Venezuela and Saudi Arabia topping the list Russia and a plethora of Eastern European countries are failing to meet their targets for expanding domestic gas production, according to GlobalData Since the emergence of oil industry in mid-nineteenth century, the energy source has offered a bountiful supply of power, triggered wars and reshaped geo-politics with various countries competing to control its supply. It has been used as fuel for our transport, to generate electricity to light our homes, run factories and machines, as a raw material to produce fertiliser to increase food production and produce plastics used all over the world. Here we take a look at the top ten countries with the largest amounts of oil.   Largest oil reserves Venezuela – 300 billion barrels Venezuela has the largest oil reserves of any country in the world, with more than 300 billion barrels of...

Top 20 Smallest Countries in the World

  Skip to content top 20 Smallest Countries in the World Some countries are so tiny that even some of the biggest metropolitan cities in the world are colossal when compared to them. There are countries in the world covering an area of less than 400 square Kilometres. Most of these tiny countries are located in Europe, the Pacific and the Caribbean islands. You only need a day or two to explore the whole country. Travelling to these countries is an amazing experience as you explore their culture and natural attractions. Many of the countries are also some of the richest in the world, perfect for an amazing holiday. Let’s go through these countries one by one to explore their beautiful landscape, people, heritage and more. 20. LUXEMBOURG, AREA — 2,586 KM 2 Luxembourg Many say that it takes an hour to drive across Luxembourg. It is the last remaining Grand Duchy distinguished for its Vianden and Bourscheid castles. The tiny landlocked nation is blanketed...